Civic Engagement

As a representative body within a system of shared governance, Staff Senate values civic engagement at every level and seeks to ensure that all KU employees are informed and have every opportunity to participate in local, state, and national democratic processes. Read on for information and resources about voting registration, election cycles, and KU policies.

Current Election Cycle Dates

See back later for 2025 primary election dates.

University Voting Policy

The University encourages all faculty and staff to vote. Voting polls are usually open before 8:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. to allow voting before or after the normal work day. However, we recognize that faculty and staff may have to travel some distance to polling places. The University allows up to a maximum of two (2) hours of paid time in situations where travel time may affect a faculty or staff member's ability to cast a vote. Staff should request time off in advance from their supervisors if travel time to the polls is required. Last updated on 10/31/2024.