
Staff Senate Committees
Staff Senate appoints staff members to serve on the Standing Committees of the Staff Senate, as well as Ad Hoc Committees when they are created. These representatives do not need to be Staff Senators to serve on these committees, and are recruited throughout the year.
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Elections
- Personnel Affairs
- Professional Development
- Public Relations
University Senate Committees
Staff Senate appoints staff members to serve as senate representatives on the Standing Committees of the University Senate, as well as several Appeals Boards and Commissions that are housed within Governance and the Provost's Office. These representatives do not need to be Staff Senators to serve on these committees, and are recruited each summer.
- Academic Computing and Electronic Communications (ACEC)
- Academic Policies and Procedures (AP&P)
- Athletic Committee
- Calendar Committee
- International Affairs (IA)
- Libraries Committee
- Planning and Resources (P&R)
- Retirees Rights and Benefits (RRB)
- Parking Commission
- Transit Commission
- Judicial Board
- Disciplinary Action Hearing Board for USS