Staff Senate Committees
Staff Senate appoints staff members to serve on the standing committees of the Staff Senate, as well as ad hoc committees when they are created. These representatives do not need to be Staff Senators to serve on these committees.
Ad Hoc Committees
- Reviews and revises our shared mission, vision and values
- Reviews and revises our committee charges to align with our mission, vision and values, all through a D&I lens
- Reviews and revises our committee chair and chair-elect responsibilities to align with committee charges
- Standardizes monthly committee reports to address how committees are fulfilling their charges
- Revises the staff senate handbook for use by senators and committee members
- Creates a communication network for senators to engage with their respective job categories
- Creates a monthly touch-base meeting with staff who work 2nd and 3rd shifts
- Reviews how Zoom meetings are conducted and how we can broadcast to a wider staff audience
- Reviews the use of Microsoft Teams for staff senate and committee work, including document repository
- Reviews the current website and determinse what will be modified/migrated to the new Sunflower platform