D&I Resources

The Staff Senate D&I Committee has collected resources pertaining to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging that they find are particularly relevant to KU staff. These lists are not exhaustive, and many of our Campus Partners can provide more specific and plentiful information. See the Further Education page (link below) for more educational resources.

D&I Further Education

In search of community?

Join one of KU's nine-and-counting identity councils.
The Faculty Staff Councils at KU are self-governing bodies. The Office of DEIB supports each council and acts as a point of contact between the councils and our campus communities.


You can find here a variety of tools both for personal reference and for promoting D&I efforts on campus, ranging from a the location of crucial campus spaces (e.g., all gender restrooms, lactation rooms) to a list of religious observances to reference while scheduling. The RISE Toolbox from the Office of DEIB hosts an even more robust system of tools, with specific pathways designated for staff members.

There is an additional list for supervisors at KU, with both general guidance for prioritizing D&I efforts among your employees and a framework for hiring diversely.