"Unpacking Whiteness in the Workplace" Workshop Updates

If you are receiving this publication, then you attended one of our committee events! This past spring, the D&I Committee conducted three workshops that focused on unpacking whiteness and privilege at KU. Each session drew between 40-60 participants from a variety of campus units. We want to say thank you to everyone who attended, participated and provided feedback!

Here is the break down from each session and the questions we asked each group to consider.

Part 1- Whiteness and the Individual: What is whiteness and how does it show up in the workplace at KU? What are the things I do as a white person that contribute to inequality? Why should I focus on the impact and not the intent? What will I do differently? How will I hold myself accountable?

Part 2- Whiteness and the Institution: What are you/your department doing to address whiteness and privilege in the workplace?​ What assumptions are stopping you from addressing whiteness/barriers to inclusion? How will you hold your department accountable?

Part 3- Risk Taking and Allyship: Why do you want to be an ally to marginalized groups? What is motivating you? How do we ensure we embody allyship that is productive/substantive? What risks will you take? How will you be accountable to others?

We will be repeating this series in the fall. Dates will be announced soon!


Unpacking Whiteness in the Workplace Session

Continuing the Conversation

Social justice work doesn’t stop at the end of a session. Carrying on the conversation takes dedicated time, practice and self-education. We want everyone to continue asking the questions above, and to progress the work we started during our sessions. Need help? Attend our next…


July 31, 12:00- 1:00 PM in the Kansas Memorial Union, The Jay

Let’s keep the conversation going! These brown bag lunches serve as an informal way to share knowledge and work on the ways we can contribute to an equitable workplace.  The next brown bag is scheduled for July 31 from noon to one at the Kansas Memorial Union in The Jay. Lunch will not be provided, but please feel free to bring food from home or pick up food at one of the KU Dining locations on your way over.