Staff Senate Newsletter | Fall 2024

Summer Activities

Staff Senate Retreat - June 12

"Give a Flock" Training - July 10

Staff Leadership Summit - Sept. 26
Current Membership
President: Teri Chambers, Administrative Associate, Biodiversity Institute
President-Elect: Marissa Marshall, Risk & Compliance Business Coordinator, Office of Audit, Risk & Compliance
Danielle Hemingson, Human Anatomy Laboratory Coordinator, Undergraduate Biology Program
Desiree Neyens, Education Program Coordinator, University Academic Support Center
Liz Barton, Assistant Director, Academic Success
Michelle Wilson, Assistant Director, Achievement & Assessment Institute
Ashley Kalatusha, Student Services Specialist, KU Edwards Student Services
Jennifer Laverentz, Office Manager, Center for Remote Sensing and Integrated Systems
Karen Christilles, Administrative Associate, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
Leslie Wilson, Office Manager, Centers for Orientation & Academic Advising Programs
Wyatt Haywood, Administrative Associate, Slavic, German, and Eurasian Studies
Alex Pang, Program Coordinator for Undergraduate Academic Services, School of Engineering
Corinna Lynn Johnson, Grant Coordinator, Office of Research
Gabe Downey, Grant Coordinator, Achievement and Assessment Institute (ATLAS)
Jessica Chilcoat, Assistant Director, Center for Educational Opportunity Programs
Kim Conard, Grant Coordinator, KUCR - AMS
McKenzie Henderson, SSC HR Coordinator, Carruth SSC
Mishelle Denton, Functional Systems Manager, Enrollment Management/Student Information Systems
Trina Weekly, Business Director, Achievement & Assessment Institute
Jasmine Keys, IT Support Technician, Information Technology
Jeremy McLeod, IT Support Technician Senior, Information Technology
Johnathan Grant, IT Assistant Director, Information Technology
Aaron Howard, General Maintenance Repair Technician, FS Maintenance Services
Brian Alfers, Assistant Custodial Supervsior, Custodial Services
Chris Wallace, Locksmith Senior, Operations
Jessica Brown, Custodial Supervisor, Operations
Michael Geffre, Senior Electrician, FS Maintenance Services
Angela Robb, Research Project Specialist, Achievement & Assessment Institute
Candace Bond, Managing Editor, Achievement & Assessment Institute
Caroline Sloan, Science Test Development Specialist, Achievement and Assessment Institute (ATLAS)
Joseph Andrew, Associate Researcher, Geology
Kevin Liu, Research Project Coordinator, Achievement & Assessment Institute
Megan Sims, Assistant Researcher, Biodiversity Institute
Jordan Wade, Director of Student Academic Services & Success, School of Architecture & Design
Sara Chavez, Education Program Manager, Student Affairs
Sarah Wilson Merriman, Academic Accommodations Advisor, Student Access Center
Brian Moss, Reference Services Manager, Libraries
Mary Dykmann, Program Manager, Business Development
Mike Krings, Public Affairs Officer, KU News Service
Committee Updates
Staff members serve on a variety of governance committees. Read below for updates from the standing and ad hoc committees of the Staff Senate, and use the links to the right to navigate to all committee pages.
The Communication Action team will have a new issue of The Lens coming out in October. The Education ACTION team recently facilitated an Active Bystander training at the 2024 Staff Leadership Summit. Each ACTION team is meeting to finalize team plans for AY25.
Anyone interested in being on the Staff Senate D&I committee is welcome to join. As with all the Staff Senate committees, you do not have to be a senator to volunteer and participate on this committee. Feel free to reach out to Trina Weekly if you are interested.
Trina Weekly | FY2025 Diversity & Inclusion Chair
Every year during the spring semester, KU staff nominate and elect individuals to represent themselves and colleagues as members of Staff Senate. Elected members serve three-year terms. Staff Senate is a great way to know what is going on with the University, to find networking opportunities, and be a part of making changes for the betterment of Staff at KU.
The three main charges of the Elections Committee are:
- Coordinates annual senate elections, including recruitment of candidates
- Coordinates election of officers at March meeting
- Maintains records of election results and terms of office
We are currently in the process of filling three Senator positions and hope to have them filled soon. The next Staff Senate election will take place in spring 2025. If you are interested in serving, feel free to contact me at We are always looking for candidates and welcome new
Angela Robb | FY2025 Elections Chair
Chris Wallace | FY2025 Elections Chair-Elect
The standing charges of the Personnel Affairs Committee are to 1) provide an avenue for the regular exchange of ideas on employee benefits, university policies and procedures, and other matters that relate to university staff; 2) forward matters of interest to the public relations committee for dissemination; and 3) plan and coordinate professional development activities for university staff. The committee has aligned its 2024-2025 ACTION with the focus areas of The Docking Institute USS and UPS Employee Satisfaction Survey Results 2022. The 2024-2025 overall goal is to concentrate on Culture, Inclusion, and Retention. The ACTION Teams will specifically focus on Compensation and Benefits; Nature of Work; and Leadership, Appreciation, and Recognition.
If you are interested in getting involved on the Staff Senate Personnel Affairs Committee, please contact Michelle D. Wilson, Chair, or Ashley Kalatusha, Chair-Elect,
Michelle Wilson | FY2025 Personnel Affairs Chair
Ashley Kalatusha | FY2025 Personnel Affairs Chair-Elect
The Staff Senate Professional Development Committee is dedicated to enhancing staff members' skills and knowledge through funding professional development opportunities. We believe that investing in our employees not only boosts their confidence and job competency but also expands their networks, providing access to valuable industry insights. In our commitment to fostering career growth among staff, this fiscal year the committee has already received seventeen staff applications and awarded $4,000 in financial assistance.
Corinna Lynn Johnson | FY2025 Professional Development Chair
The Public Relations Committee works to raise awareness about the important work that Governance and University staff perform. The Public Relations Committee publishes information relating to Staff Senate committees, upcoming events, and overall elements of importance for KU staff members.
Thus far this year, the Public Relations Committee organized a table at the Staff Leadership Summit, where we had the opportunity to meet many staff members and shared the overall mission of the Staff Senate. Additionally, the Public Relations Committee has and will continue to publish reminders and information pertaining to upcoming elections.
The Public Relations Committee is open to all KU staff members, if you are interested in getting involved and helping to disseminate important issues across campus, please contact Jessica Chilcoat, Chair,, or Gabe Downey, Chair-Elect,
Jessica Chilcoat | FY2025 Public Relations Chair
Gabe Downey | FY2025 Public Relations Chair-Elect
Important Updates from Human Resources
Setting Performance Goals
Annual evaluation season has come to a close! Make sure you have established goals on your FY2025 goal plan in MyTalent.
Goals should be aligned with KU’s strategic plan – Jayhawks Rising – to ensure that we are meeting our institution’s mission. Thirteen objectives are available for goal alignment, and additional step-by-step instructions are available online.
Open Enrollment
SEHP Open Enrollment is open! From October 1 to October 31, you can make changes to your benefit elections, including medical, dental, vision as well as voluntary insurance plans. You can enroll, waive, or change plans or add family members not currently enrolled. It is also when the SEHP announces changes for the upcoming year.
If you are enrolled in a SEHP medical plan in 2024, (Plan A, C, J, or N), you must complete Open Enrollment for PY2025. Otherwise, your coverage will be defaulted to Plan N, with your same insurance company, at the same coverage level, and with a Health Reimbursement Account.
Review Employee Location in HR Pay
Since the pandemic, we have seen an increase in the number of employees that work remotely or on a hybrid schedule. To advocate for work location policies, we encourage staff to update their KU Directory Info to accurately reflect their work type and work location. It is important to keep this information up to date to ensure accurate HR records. Learn more about accessing personal and pay information in the HR/Pay system.